Type – II
“An industrial solution for water, stain, and thermal
resistance “
The following pages will
provide information to help identify how and why VECTRA – 35 works. It is not simple and to some unnecessary
(results are what we really care about).
However, VECTRA – 35 is built upon a totally different chemistry from
what we are familiar with and, therefore, an explanation.
VECTRA – 35 can safely offer
water, stain and thermal resistance to any porous
The following pages will provide information to help identify how and why VECTRA – 35 works. It is not simple and to some unnecessary (results are what we really care about). However, VECTRA – 35 is built upon a totally different chemistry from what we are familiar with and, therefore, demands an explanation.
VECTRA – 35 can safely offer water, rust and thermal resistance to any porous material.
Metals |
Asphalt |
Boats |
Paints/sealers |
Concrete/stucco |
Anchors/chains |
Fiberglass/glass |
Masonry/stone |
Roads/sidewalks |
signs |
Wood |
material |
equipment |
Plastics |
Bridges |
The list is extensive and demands different products for specific jobs. It would look something like this: epoxies, acrylics, silicones, urethanes, latex, coal tar emulsions, and fluorocarbon protection. These products all have on thing in common. They are all designed to topically “fill the gap”. Of late, much attention has been given to fluorocarbon technology. This will be specifically address later.
The Vectra 35 is built on a totally different chemistry than all of the previously mentioned water and stain “solutions”. The chemistry is based on non-toxic metallic and semi-metallic hydrophobic polymeric ester resin deposited from an aliphatic carrier solvent. The polymer is non-film forming and bonds molecularly within the micro pores of the material. The active finish is distributed very effectively over the internal pore volume where permanent stain and water protection is most needed. The permanence of Vectra 35 is based on covalent bonding and will withstand extensive wash cycles and wear. The product is very heat stable and hot challenges are not harmful in any way. There is no detectable “hand change” even when applied to the finest of materials. Application is best accomplished by spraying and may be safely atomized by industrial sprayers for more effective coverage rates. There is the economy of a simple one-pass finish with no post cure heating cycle. The metallic properties of Vectra 35 serves as a heat conductor in winter and as a reflector in summer. This translates to enhanced de-icing in winter and cooler surfaces in summer.
Vectra 35
Product Data Sheet
It is imperative to understand that Vectra 35 bonds molecularly within the micro pores of the material. This is accomplished by covalent bonding. This means an electrical bond is formed between two atoms when they share electrons in pairs, so that each atom provides half the electrons. In other words, Vectra 35 literally becomes an integrate part of the material! No other protectant can make this claim.
Vectra 35 is a high-tech surface protectant that molecularly bonds within the micro pores of any surface producing resistance to water, rust, and temperature variances. The Vectra 35 covalent bonding will cause the material to inherently repel water as opposed to temporary conventional methods that at best will only “fill the gap”.
Coal tar with added latex and silicate sand is today’s remedy for sealing asphalt. For new asphalt a 30-day cure time is normally suggested. The job is labor intensive, messy, requires areas to be shut down for extensive periods of time, and once completed tar is tracked into adjacent buildings. The original “attractive” slate black appearance will eventually crack and wrinkly.
Vectra 35 will bond to asphalt and cross link forming a much less permeable surface and aid in water run-off, freeze damage (will not allow water to grip surfaces and then swell and crack). Additionally, Vectra 35 will prevent oxidation (UV/actinic ray bleaching). Additional benefits include increased strength, wear resistance, heat conduction, and extend life of painted markers on the asphalt. The coefficient of friction will be virtually unaffected; it doesn’t add to or take from. Even ice bonding will be reduced. Water permeable contaminates will have difficulty penetrating the material and are more readily washed away.
Vectra 35 is an excellent post treatment for asphalt repairs. The #1 reason that patches blow off is water migration and freeze/thaw cycles. To avoid expensive onsite returns, simply spray the hole, the patch surface, and the area around the patch (up to 2-3 feet) and that’s it! Don’t worry about spraying the hot asphalt, because the heat will not affect VECTRA 35’s performance. You may want to treat the entire surface of bridges and overpasses due to repetitive callbacks for freeze/thaw repairs. For patches apply at 250-350 square feet per gallon with a pump up sprayer.
All the benefits noted for asphalt apply to concrete. It should be noted that since concrete is normally “off white” stains easily appear. Vectra 35 is designed to keep the contaminates from penetrating the material, not the pores. Therefore, when stains appear, Vectra 35 makes these stains “spots”. You can remove a spot, but not a stain. Right? The point is that Vectra 35 will simplify clean-up. Unless carbon moves into the concrete pores, the concrete will readily release the contaminates. The capability of Vectra 35 to stand up in washing and wear test indicate a real plus in this area. Mildew and algae will have a difficulty growing on Vectra 35 treated surfaces, making it an excellent application for those areas that need protection.
It has been in the long-range plans for Vectra 35 to be tested as an additive in the concrete mix to provide added strength and minimize the effects of water no matter where it is used. It is also expected that the addition of Vectra 35 to the concrete mix will increase the flexure limits of the concrete and reduce cracking problems in construction.
Wood decks, interior walls, undercoating, ship/boat hulls (for easy removal of barnacles), roofing tiles, granite, marble, ceramic, lime stone, hunting and fishing equipment, life jackets, flags and banners, stucco, painted walls prone to graffiti, grave markers, grout, statues, garden ornaments, bird baths (hose off algae without scrubbing), piers, children’s toys (non toxic), fences, fabrics, household screens (blown water doesn’t want to enter), tire sidewalls, lamp shades, fan blades, counter tops, ceiling tiles, brick, log homes (interior and exterior), boat oars, leather balls, ropes, chains, anchors, wooden crab traps, fishing nets, split-face block, cabinets, pre-formed concrete vertical blocks, hemp, sisal, steps and walkways prone to icing, auto and truck interiors, metal buildings, restaurant stainless steel, awnings, tools, snow plows and brushes, windshields, loading docks, dumpsters, rubber hoses, work boots, etc., etc.,..